Module: Autodocs


init ()

Defined in autodocs.js:103

Initialisation step for Autodocs

Used to check/ set any Autodocs environment variables

run ()

Defined in autodocs.js:14

Will determine which continuous integration environment and publishing environment to use, and then run those appropriately.

Currently, the supported ones are:

  • Continuous Integration (SELECT_CI):
    • travis
  • Publishing Environment (SELECT_PUBLISH):
    • github-pages

Runs various environment variables checks and sets defaults where appropriate. Then tests whether this particular build should trigger publishing the documentation, and if so fires the publish script



String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:438

list of files and folders (bash style) to copy into the root of the gh-pages branch these files will be copied to the root, not the DOCUMENT_PUBLISH_FOLDER

Default: ''


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:328

Documentation will be generated only when this branch is pushed

Default: 'master'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:347

The name of the npm script to run, expecting the documentation to get generated. For example:


Default: 'generatedocs'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:373

After the documentation generation script is run, autodocs expects to find its output in this folder. The files located here will get published.

Default: 'documentation'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:337

Documentation will be generated only on one of the jobs for each build, use this to specify which one.

Default: '1'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:428

Joins DOCUMENT_PUBLISH_FOLDER_ROOT with DOCUMENT_PUBLISH_SUBFOLDER to get a concrete path to publish the documentation.



String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:384

All documentation will be published under this root directory

This can be used for non-version-specific documentation

Default: 'api'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:395

The documentation will be published in this subdirectory of the root directory.

This can be used for version-specific documentation



String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:360

The name of the npm script to run, expecting the documentation to get tested. For example:


Default: 'testdocs'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:250

By default, this will publish an all page, whose purpose is simply to list and link to all published API versions

Assuming default values for other configurations, if the versions of the project are currently 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 1.0

  • This URL will be published with an index.html file that links to:

Set to false to disable this behaviour.

Default: 'true'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:210

Whether to clean up afterward, by deleting the directory that was published

Default: 'false'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:188

Whether there are any assets to copy. Set to true only if intending to use DOCUMENT_ASSETS.

Default: 'false'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:231

By default, this will publish a latest page, whose purpose is simply to redirect to the most recently publish API version

Assuming default values for other configurations, if the version of the project is currently 1.2.3,

  • This URL will be published with an index.html file that redirects to:

Set to false to disable this behaviour.

Default: 'true'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:406

If set to 'true' DOCUMENT_PUBLISH_FOLDER is ignored, and the document is published in the root folder instead.

If using this module to publish something like a blog, instead of versioned software documentation, you should set this flag to true.

Default: 'false'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:198

By default, publish will occur when a branch is pushed.

When this flag is set to true, publish will occur when a tag is pushed instead.

Default: 'false'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:285

Set to true to skip step where documentation is generated. i.e. Do not run

npm run generatedocs

This is useful for testing and debugging purposes. Leaving this on in a CI environment would defeat the purpose of autodocs

Default: 'false'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:314

Set to true to skips the entirety of the CI publish run function. None of the publishing related step will occur, except for setting any required environment variables.

This is useful for testing and debugging purposes. Leaving this on in a CI environment would defeat the purpose of autodocs

Default: 'false'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:272

Set to false to do all of the steps in publishing, except for the final step of pushing the changes to the git remote.

This is useful for testing and debugging purposes. Leaving this on in a CI environment would defeat the purpose of autodocs

Default: 'false'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:299

Set to true to skip step where documentation is tested. i.e. Do not run tests

npm run testdocs

This is useful when the generate command executes its own tests

Default: 'false'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:219

Any tokens contained in the build output will be stripped out before being printed. This is to ensure security, especially if your CI's build logs are publicly available

Default: 'true'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:178

Email address to use when creating the Git commit

Default: ''


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:169

Name to use when creating the Git commit

Default: 'autodocs Git User'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:133

The major version of the project.

1.2.3 --> 1

Default: The major version read in from package.json


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:145

The minor version of the project

1.2.3 --> 2

Default: The minor version read in from package.json


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:157

The patch version of the project

1.2.3 --> 3

Default: The patch version read in from package.json


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:121

The directory that the project being published ios located in.

Default: The current working directory


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:72

Default: 'travis'


String (Environment Variable)

Defined in autodocs.js:79

Default: 'github-pages'